
How men store stress in their body

Disclaimer: All of these views are my own from my own experiences. I am not a man hater & what I have observed may not apply to all men.

Stress was a very important emotion which kept humans and many other living beings alive through the ages. The ages where the world was savage and all about survival. But fortunately for most of us, stress is not a primary emotion anymore. Nowadays, usually it is an emotion which gets created when a human is storing many other repressed emotions inside their body-mind complex. It’s very interesting how men and women store stress differently in their bodies.

So how do men store stress? They usually store it in 4 places : Jaw, Shoulders, Lower back and Feet.

Jaw and Shoulders: Have you seen a man clenching his jaw? There might be a big chance that this man is not speaking his truth, and usually it is not because he is scared or inauthentic – but because he has a lot of responsibilities  to fulfill which he thinks might get jeopardized if he expresses himself in his most authentic form. This is related to the throat chakra (Vishuddha Chakra). Also, check if the guy always keeps his shoulders slightly raised up instead of keeping them relaxed – another sign that he is stressed.

Lower back and Feet: Let me tell you a secret, men get hurt too. I frankly feel most men have fooled themselves into thinking that ‘they don’t feel hurt – because they are a man’. This is not their fault though, evolutionarily men were the hunters, the gatherers, the protectors, the warriors, the soldiers and therefore, it was indispensable for them to be a bit unemotional, a bit indifferent to hurt. Again, fortunately most men in the world today might not have to physically endanger their life to provide for others. However, different feelings come up in life, but men seem to have lost a way to express it over the ages and due to societal conditioning.

The primary feelings that come up in men (or boys) are usually heart based feelings – feeling of hurt, being abandoned, feeling betrayed, feeling taken advantage of – but they try not to feel these, deny them and repress them. This results in a blockage to the energy flow from their heart chakra (Anahata Chakra) and due to repression this energy usually goes back to the solar plexus chakra (Manipur Chakra). Here it expresses itself as anger.

Now, anger is an emotion that most men seem to be ok with. They are able to express it, but expressing anger incorrectly can do irreparable damage. So overtime, they start suppressing this anger too.  This is the time when any emotion that is too heavy to handle will quickly turn into stress. This results in lower back pain.

Feet get affected too because in all of these repressions – a man is still trying hard to be a solid foundation, appearing cool, collected and be grounded in the midst of this chaos that keeps brewing inside of him.


If you have a male in your life who maybe in a stressful work environment or any other stressful environment and you want to try reducing their stress – I highly recommend giving them massages in the following areas :

Problem Area : Clenched Jaw and non-relaxed shoulders. Give him an upper body massage. Maybe shoulders, back, hands, jaw and forehead.

Problem Area : Lower back and feet. Give him a full shoulders and back massage, followed by a foot massage.



And if you are a man reading this, please notice these signs in yourself and please go easy on yourself. Lifting crazy weights and pushing your body endlessly might transmute some of your anger but it is going to leave your body sore and agitated. So it has to be done only in moderation.

Take care of your inner world and don’t worry about always trying to be ‘strong and silent’. If you are acting from your awoken part – you are going to be our hero, always!  <3

 Image credit : Warner Bros.


DIY feet massage for stress relief

This is my technique for a gentle feet massage which almost always puts my spouse in a deep meditative state. By the end of this massage he has dozed off to wake up only next morning. So try to relieve some stress off a special one or you can do it for yourself as well. In all healing techniques setting intentions is important, also it is important to not simply rush through the massage but give each and every rub a lot of love <3

Time: Approx. 30mins.

Setting: I highly recommend getting a Himalayan salt lamp and a peacock feather for the area where you plan to do the massage. Something as simple as the picture below is good. I will make another post explaining why I think these are helpful. Even if you don’t have this, it’s not a deal breaker 🙂  Make the person comfortable with a blanket, pillow, etc.


Music: Mul Mantra from Kundalini Yoga is best to support the root chakra (Muladhar chakra). Feet are related to root chakra. If you plan to chant the mantra, it is recommended to cover your head. Please find the two links to Mul Mantra below the post.

Lotion: I use ‘Stress Relief’ by ‘Bath and Body Works’ Aromatherapy line of products. Picture below.


1. Apply one-by-one on both feet.

2. Place one foot in position and apply lotion.

3. Fingers and thumbs: Start massaging the thumb – especially the back of the thumb – this is the brain point in Chinese reflexology and puts the brain in a relaxed state. After that hold the thumb in your fingers and move it in circles ~10 times anti-clockwise and then ~10 times clockwise. You might hear some crackling type of sounds because the thumb muscle are loosening. Next rub all the fingers and similarly start circling the fingers clockwise and anti-clockwise. There could be more crackling sounds. Give a good rub to the fingers one last time.

4. Middle of the foot: Trace and rub the area just below the fingers horizontally while applying some pressure. Rub the foot from below the fingers to above the heel. Continue this for sometime. You can use all your fingers. This feels extremely relaxing – you can do this horizontally first, then increase pressure and do it vertically.

5. Heels: Hold the foot in your hand below the heel. Then with both the hands massage the heel with a lot of pressure. This area also feels wonderful to be massaged – stay here for a good amount of time. This has pressure points for the lower back, knee, ankle, gonads, insomnia point and sciatic nerve. No wonder it feels so good 🙂

5. Stretch: Hold the foot in both your hands. Now turn the whole foot in clockwise circles, then anti-clockwise circles. Then stretch the foot from left to right and then right to left. This can be done 5+ times.

6. Same thing for other foot.

This is the process I follow. I hope this helps you in some way to relieve someone’s stress.

Wishing everyone lot of love and light!
